First Name | Fiona |
Middle Name | Zuzu |
Last Name | Doerrfeld |
Birthday | June 17, 2021 |
Time of Birth | 2:30 AM |
Weight at Birth | 6.1 ounces |
Length at Birth | 20 inches |
Father | William Conrad Doerrfeld |
Mother | Emily Jean Wittenhagen AKA Sandy |
City of Birth | Portland, Maine |
Sex | Female |
First Movie | A River Runs Through It |
First Song | 'Mad Rush' by Philip Glass |
Frequently Asked Questions
Fiona is Gaelic origin and comes from Fionnuala in Gaelic mythology who was turned into a swan. It means white flower and also comes from the foxglove, a wildflower, foxes-glew, an ancient musical instrument, and "folk's gloves" folk meaning fairy folk. She definitely feels like a wildflower to us ✿
Fun fact: Lois Lowry wrote The Giver in the house next door to us and Fiona is one of the main characters of the book.
"Zuzu's petals!" Remember It's a Wonderful Life? This was our nickname for her throughout the pregnancy, and we decided to keep it in. It has meanings in many cultures, including lily in Czech, sweet in Yiddish, little pearl in Mandarin, a name for the eternity plant in Africa, and "sip sip" in Japanese.
Fiona likes milk, shapes, mommy's soothing voice, dad's Bob Dylan impression, ocean sounds, and cuddling. This is all we know at this point.
Emily and Bill recently moved to Maine. Family and friends — please message me if you would like our new address.
Emily's best friend, Alissa Ambrose took the pro ones.
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