For my latest feature on InfoWorld, many API industry experts chime in on how to govern a sprawling, disparate API portfolio.
Earlier in the year, I collected a ton of input from API industry experts on how enterprises should bring governance to their burgeoning API catalogs. Very excited to publish an in-depth feature today with InfoWorld that distills this knowledge! Read it here.
The piece looks into what's driving API adoption and offers some tips on how to govern the rise in multiple styles and gateways. It also explores the benefits of governance and outlooks for the future. This follows a piece a wrote for on why executives are backing API governance.
"Despite their significance, few are aware of the importance of APIs in IT or the global economy, as this has largely been a silent revolution," says Kong's Marco Palladino. I hope this article sheds some light on the 'silent revolution.' 😉
Thanks to everyone who shared for this piece. I hope this helps get the API community out of its echo chamber a bit. Be sure to
follow my work on InfoWorld for more coverage in this and other areas of enterprise tech.